Earn more

The new way to navigate work relationships

As a gig worker you can now:

Increase your earnings

Connect with & learn from fellow workers​

Receive perks & rewards

Sign up for updates on Gigafin

Worker Top

By submitting your email address or mobile phone number, you agree to receive updates, special offers, and other information related to Gigafin (you are free to opt-out at any time). We appreciate your trust, and we promise not to spam, share or sell your contact data with any third parties.

Earn more &

grow your business

We know the challenges you face in getting customers to recognize your hard work with appropriate gratuity payments – we can help!

Be part of a community of like-minded people.

We know that connecting with others who are doing the same type of work as you can be challenging – Gigafin is here to change that.

Participate and be rewarded

We know that the pay you receive for the gig services you provide doesn’t often reflect the work you put in – it’s time for a change.

Gigafin is on its way

We are working hard every day to put Gigafin in your hands by the end of the year so that you will be able to receive tips directly into your very own digital wallet, connect with fellow workers, and obtain special rewards and perks.  Here’s our plan for 2023:


Building the Platform



February (2024)



Building the Platform



February (2024)


What is Gigafin?

A mobile application product that provides integrated digital solutions to financial, social and other “every day” work-related problems experienced by the U.S. gig economy workforce, while at the same time delivering an attractive and engaging mobile platform through which gig clients are able to make digital gratuity payments to the gig workers that they interact with, and through which gig clients are able to directly influence the quality of services that they receive from such gig workers.

What is Gigafin’s Vision?

To be the preeminent digital community serving the unique financial and social needs of the U.S. gig workforce while at the same time providing gig customers with a safe, secure and rewarding way in which to make digital payments to gig workers for their own particular benefit.

Is Gigafin for me?

If you are a gig worker interested in getting the most out of your day-to-day gig work experience, Gigafin will be a must-have personal tool for you.
What we’re preparing for you is

Next level for gig workers

Digital tips

You can receive tips directly through your mobile phone

Tracking Income & Expenses

Know how much you are making from your gigs

Community Newsfeed

See the experiences that fellow gig workers are having and sharing

If you are among the first 100

If you are among the first 100 people to sign up to receive updates from us. You will be entitled to receive a Gigafin Early Adopter Reward.